The third smooth stone that God has given us that quickly brings down the giant opposing us is praying in the Spirit. Jesus Christ himself said that it was better for us - more expedient - more profitable for us that He would go to the Father so the Holy Spirit could come individually to each one of us. The Holy Spirit is called the Promise of the Father, the Comforter, our Teacher, the one who leads and guides us into all truth and the one who brings to rememberance what Jesus Christ has said.
According to 1Cor. 14 (which describes the gift of the Holy Spirit and the power of praying in tongues), verse 2 says,"He who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men, but to God." Verse 4 says,"He who speaks in a tongue edifies (means builds up, strengthens, fortifies) himself." Verse 5 says,"I wish you ALL spoke in tongues." Verse 14 says,"For if I pray in a tongue my Spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful." This means praying in the Spirit bypasses my natural mind and is the Spirit of Christ within me praying through my earthen vessel. Psalm 81:10b says,"Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it."
Also, 1Cor 15:16-17 notes while I am praying in tongues I am blessing well and giving thanks well. Our mouths are given to us to bless and to thank - to praise and to encourage so praying in the Spirit is accomplishing these very important purposes. In verse 18, Paul thanks God that he speaks in tongues MORE than you all. Paul is expressing gratitude for this gift of God that brings strength, power, wisdom and love to me.
The gift of the Holy Spirit was given to us by Father and is the gift of the Spirit of His Son - Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit brings with Him all of His gifts as well, which according to 1Cor 12 are word of wisdom, word of knowledge, gifts of faith, gifts of healings, gifts of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, tongues and interpretations of tongues. Verse 11 says it is the Holy Spirit's good will to work these things severally and individually. This means that it is the good will of God to have each of these gifts personally and in abundance. God is NOT stingy with His gifts, but is lavish and bestows them for the profit of you and the other humans in your life.
This gift from the Father is so vital to our mission and quality of life that our enemy opposes it in every way he can connive. Your enemy will try to make you think it is you or jibberish or contrived or unnecessary or unprofitable or perhaps even "from the devil". This is the slant he puts on this gift so that you will not employ it. His purpose is ALWAYS to keep you under him. Praying in tongues edifies you and puts you over - over the circumstance, the enemy, your natural ability to think through the situation in your own understanding, etc. The Word cautions us not to lean on, rely on or depend on our own understanding, but in all our ways acknowledge HIm. Praying in tongues acknowledges Him. Speaking in tongues is the Spirit of God speaking, is a language, is from God, is for you, is necessary and is hugely profitable.
Jesus Christ died to purchase this gift of speaking in tongues for you. Do not let your flesh or your enemy diminish the power and purpose of this gift. You NEED to speak in tongues regularly. You NEED to exercise this gift. This is one way the Holy Spirit supplies your NEEDS. Praying in tongues is a key lifeline. Do not leave off doing this very important and valuable is a privilege granted to you by Christ. Praying in the Spirit is the ultimate love language - you loving Him and His love flowing to you. Any time the enemy tries to diminish the value of this gift in your eyes, know the OPPOSITE is true and push through to the treasure. Don't give up - you can do ALL things because Christ is supplying His strength to you!