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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

You become what you think.

Picking up where we left off - Proverbs, the books of wisdom, tells us that pleasant words are SWEET to our soul and nourishment to our bones. The word nourishment in the Hebrew is the word picture of your bones taking a drink. The reverse of Proverbs 16:24 would be that unpleasant words are BITTER to your mind and emotions and dryness to your bones. The words you speak God have a profound effect on your health and wellbeing.

So how do you get pleasant words to come out of your mouth?  EASY!  You simply use the system God has designed:

You decide what to think

You entertain the thoughts you have accepted

Your heart speaks these thoughts out of your mouth

Your words begin to have their effect in your soul and body

Pleasant words come from pleasant thoughts.  The reason God told us to think on things that are true, honest, noble, lovely, praiseworthy and of good report is because, soon, those very things will be coming out of our mouths.  You become what you think.  The old adage, “You are what you eat” is true spiritually as well.  If you feed on (meditate on, entertain, rehearse, think and rethink) on those honest, lovely, noble thoughts – they become part of you and they come out of your mouth.

 As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.  The Lord tells us to think that certain way because we come what we think on.  Your enemy knows about this system of thinking, speaking, becoming and he uses it too.  The Scriptures caution us not to be ignorant of our enemy’s devices”.  The Greek word “devise” are exactly this system, but turned negative.  Your enemy is endeavoring to get you to think like he thinks, speak like he speaks and soon you will be behaving like he does.  His intention is to get to renew your mind to his way of thinking and get his disposition to be yours, thereby transforming you in to his image.  We become what we think upon.  The yucky thoughts from that kingdom of darkness, if left unchecked, weave their way into the fabric of our character.  We become critical, fault finding, judging, unforgiving, unkind, impatient, accusatory, suspicious and all the other yucky characteristics of our enemy.

 This is the tragedy of many Christian lives.  They don’t want to talk or act in those yucky mannerisms, but are forced to by what they have given place to in their minds and later, their hearts. The Holy Spirit quickened to me, "When you say what your enemy says, you get what he says, but when you say what your Savior says – you get what He says instead.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The 5 Smooth Stones on STEROIDS...the why of it all!

Dear ones - you have been reading how the five smooth stones God has given us to slay any giant that comes against us in our land, whether it be the giant of sickness, lack, hurt feelings, etc.  To recap, the five smooth stones are thanks, praise, praying in the Spirit, a merry heart and loving.  Remember the "sling" that gives these stones velocity, force and aim is your mouth.  This simple, but profound revelation of the power of these smooth stones is tied to another hugely profound revelation from God's own mouth in Genesis 4:7.

You know the story of Cain and Abel both bringing their sacrifices to God.  Abel's was accepted, but Cain's was not.  Cain was downcast and quite upset.  God said to him, "Cain, if you DO WELL you shall be accepted.  But if you do not DO WELL, Sin is crouching at the door and it's desire is for you, but you must master him."  I always thought the DO WELL in this verse was keeping the 10 commandments, doing good, etc., but the literal meaning of the phrase "DO WELL" is make a beautiful sound.  So let's read that verse with the literal meaning inserted so we can understand what God is saying to us.  He said,"If you make a beautiful sound, you will be accepted. But if you do not make a beautiful sound, Sin is crouching at the door and it's desire is for you, but you must master him."

The beautiful sounds that we make are thanks, praise, praying in the Spirit, rejoicing, singing, blessing, praying FOR, saying "I forgive", saying "I love you" and laughter.  On the other hand, the ugly sounds we make are complaining, murmuring, finding fault, being "un"thankful, cursing, mocking, slandering, scorning, sarcasm, belittling, criticising, judging and finding fault.

The kingdom of darkness here is represented by the entity Sin (he is in the hierarchy of those principalities, powers and rulers of this present darkness).  When you sin, you are behaving like this entity whose name is Sin.  Those ugly sounds are his way of talking and he is attracted to those ugly sounds just like God is attracted to those beautiful sounds which are His way of talking. 

Both kingdoms desire you to think, talk and act like them.  The kingdom of light is the ONLY kingdom that will benefit you.  Cooperating with that kingdom of darkness will ALWAYS result in harm to you sooner or later.  In Genesis, we are told "if you do not make a beautiful sound, Sin is crouching at the door".  Making the beautiful sounds causes you to overcome Sin, but making the ugly sounds attract and activate that kingdom of darkness.

That kingdom of darkness is waiting for you to commission them by your words.  YOUR WORDS!  Your words of complaining, murmuring, slandering, criticising, etc. attract them like poo attracts flies.  God inhabits the praises of His people.  So think who inhabits the ugly sounds...and that kingdom of darkness is activated by those very ugly sounds you are speaking.  These words are NOT working against the people you are judging or complaining about...they are working against you!  Your ugly sounds give your enemy mastery over you.  You "voice activate" them to steal your goods.  You commission them to destroy your life, your marriage, your finances, your peace of mind and your body. 

This ought not be so because Christ died to give you power and authority over that kingdom of darkness (Col. 2:15).  He has given His grace to you so that "Sin shall not have dominion over you".  STOP handing over to your enemy the mastery over you that Christ took away from him on the cross.  Jesus Christ disarmed that kingdom and GAVE you the keys of the kingdom of light. (Matt. 16:19 ) AND His very own words say,"Behold I give YOU power and authority over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm you." (Luke 10:19) You are to trample on serpents and scorpions - not mimic them!  Quit letting your words sting and bite and harm!  Your mouth is given to you to build up, edify, strengthen the kingdom of God - not demolish it person by person, relationship by relationship, offense by offense. 

Quit behaving, thinking, speaking like your enemy - the originator of all ugly sounds.  Instead, yield your members (tongue, mouth and thoughts) to the kingdom of light - Jesus Christ, the Righteous.  "DO WELL", beautiful sounds are the five smooths stones that will slay the giants that oppose you in your very own promise land.  Giving thanks is a beautiful sound.  So is praise.  Praying in the Spirit is music to His ears.  A merry heart is singing, rejoicing, blessing, forgiving...all beautiful sounds to His ears, BUT the most beautiful sound is loving because it is all the most beautiful sounds of this universe put to use.  Saying thanks to God and people, saying praises out loud to humans and God, letting the Holy Spirit talk through you is love to God and Christ because their love brought you the Holy Spirit.  Proverbs 16:13b outright tells us, "He who speaks right is loved."

So use your mouth for it's intended purpose to create good to the humans (yourself included), speak life and overcome your enemy!