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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Victor, No Longer the Victim

We all know the verse, "The wages of sin is death." Rom 6:23.  We are certainly aware that many "sins" will eventually result in death, such as smoking, promiscuity, robbing banks, etc. We are also cognizant of a more subtle truth that other kinds of sin result in some form of death, for example selfishness has brought death to many relationships, lust has caused the demise of countless marriages, envy rots the bones, greed and avarice often bring death to financial prosperity after they first kill contentment and appreciation.

But a greater, deeper, more profound and revealing truth is also in those same words. Sin is not simply human bad behavior. If you simply capitalize the "s" in Sin so it is a proper noun rather than a verb, and if you recognize it as a name, you will see the dawning of that profound truth. Why would we capitalize the "s" in Sin? Because, Sin is an entity. Sin is the name of an entity, a personage that belongs in amongst the "principalities, powers, rulers of this present darkness." [Eph 6:12]

When humans sin, they are behaving, thinking and talking like that personage, Sin. Sin is also a principality. When we say the adage,"We are all born with a sin nature", we are certainly accurate.  We are  born into this world with the nature of Sin. Parents, have you ever had to teach your child to lie, be selfish or rebel? No! Rather, you have to work hard to train them to say "no" to that lower nature.

When we look at the behavior of humans when they are sinning, we can get a view of the nature, character and "fingerprints" of that entity, Sin.  Sin is a liar, a cheater, rebellious, demanding, demeaning, selfish, unkind, a trafficker in guile and trickery, deceit, doubt, accusation, guilt, blame and rejection.

Sin pays humans "wages" for acting like him and doing his dirty work. You may think you are acting on your own volition when you accuse, blame, withhold forgiveness or find fault, but, the truth is, you are being influenced by Sin and the many underlings that answer to him in that kingdom of darkness. They are endeavoring to train you to think like them, talk like them, react like them and, most of all, to adopt their attitudes and emotions.

Perhaps you "feel" an overwhelming urge to lie or blurt out hurtful remarks, or maybe negative thoughts have been bombarding you. It is NOT YOU - it is a device being used against you and has been initiated by that kingdom of darkness. The origin of condemning, judging, criticizing, accusing, and negative thoughts are ALL coming from that kingdom of darkness, meaning those very qualities, characteristics and behavior patterns originate from him, Sin. When humans act in those ways, they are simply following Sin's lead. They are obeying him. 

Why is this important? Because of this important principle- "To Whomever you yield your members, his slave you become to Whomever you obey."  [Rom 6:16] This word "members" includes your tongue, mind, will and emotions.

Obedience is what the enemy is after. Your obedience to him is what matters because he knows these principles. Your obedience to him results in Sin being the ruler over you and you being enslaved to repeat the very thing you don't want to do. The enemy knows how this works and wants to use it against you, but, today, you are going to learn how to NOT allow Sin to rule over you. "For Sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under law, but under grace."[Rom 6:14]

God's grace is what defeated that dark kingdom and gave you the delegated power and authority over the "principalities, powers, rulers of this present darkness." [Eph 6:12] "Behold I give you power and authority over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm you" [Luke 10:19]

We've seen how the enemy intended this principle for harm, but, now, I want you to see how God intended this principle for your good.

"To Whomever you yield your members his slave you become to Whomever you obey, whether of Sin unto death
obedience unto Righteousness." [Rom 6:16]

Stay with me here for a minute. Sin is a personage vying for your attention and obedience so he can enslave you. But, Righteousness is also a personage! Jesus Christ IS Righteousness. He, too, is vying for your attention and obedience; but, His intent is ALWAYS to bring you freedom. Jesus Christ is the One who sets humans free. "Whom the Son sets free is free indeed." [John 8:36]  

Just like Sin pays you wages for your cooperation, so does Christ. Jesus Christ is called
"The Righteous". So, capitalize the "r" in Righteous and you will see Christ. Also, notice what happens to you when cooperate with Him...you get life.

See it clearly in the Word:
"The wages of Sin is death." [Rom 6:23]
"The wages of the Righteous is life." [Prov 10:16a]

Both Sin & Jesus are vying for your obedience, but for very different reasons. Think about it- Who would you rather work for? Who would you rather have ruling over you? The one who enslaves or the One who sets free? The one who pays out death or the One who gives life and that more abundantly? "I have come that you may have life and that more abundantly." [John 10:10]

You get to choose who will rule over you. Religion tells you that God is punishing you for your sins, but, the truth is, He has personally taken away your sin and paid for every one of your sins (past, present and future) by Himself. The one who is making you miserable is Sin and his minions who are paying you for your obedience to them.

When you sin, you are following the enemy's lead - obeying him. Remember, Christ's victory was over the entire kingdom of darkness and He has defeated Sin already. The enemy cannot MAKE you do his work. You have to cooperate with him.  [Col 2:13-15] In fact, Christ has given you the victory over that kingdom of darkness and the authority and power to trample on serpents and scorpions and NOTHING shall by any means harm you. [Luke 10:19]

Christ's obedience on the cross is what bought you freedom from the rulership darkness. Every time they "introduce" or "plant" a thought, you can "bring it captive to the obedience of Christ." [2 Cor 10:5] and thereby avoid becoming a captive yourself!

"For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of One shall many be made righteous." [Rom. 5:19]

Christ's obedience paid for your disobedience. You are made righteous by the obedience of Jesus Christ. He fulfilled the requirements of the law and gave you the benefit of His obedience. Christ has given you the gift of His righteousness - "and those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by the One Christ Jesus." [Rom 5:17]. Start reigning over Sin, "Fear" and "Envy" and any other principality in that kingdom of darkness. Stop allowing Sin, Fear and Envy to rule over you. Overcome them! More than conquer them! Enforce the victory Christ won on your behalf. You are not the victim, you are the victor through Christ Jesus. Now that's good news!

Healing Promises Victory Story

We visited our family in Florida this past May. My husband's sister asked us to pray for a dear friend, Sandra, who had been battling cancer for 32 years. Sandra had gone through oodles of treatment options and was facing a dismal prognosis. We met with her and gave her "Healing Promises" along with "Your Miracle is in Your Mouth" by Joseph Prince. My youngest daughter had just purchased these books to read on the trip and felt impressed to give them to this lady.

We taught Sandra the power of communion, giving thanks to God and people, praising God and bringing to remembrance the complete work of Christ on Calvary. We heard from Sandra about seven months later...
"All tumors are gone...leukemia is in remission...praise the Lord!".
We were ELATED to see the benefit of taking God at His Word, believing Him and speaking out what He says is true. "Healing Promises" contains the promises of God that are "yes and amen" in Christ Jesus. Christ purchased these benefits for you.  Don't let your enemy or religion talk you out of these benefits. They're bought and paid for and they belong to you.  Use this book to start receiving them. We are thrilled to be giving away a copy of "Healing Promises" via our Facebook page. 
