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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I AM what?!?

"Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." We all have heard this scripture, but did you know God says this twice in the New Testament (Acts &Romans) and it is a quote from the Old Testament. When God says something that many times, we know there is great power in that word for us. "Whoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved."

What did God tell Moses is His Name?   He said," I AM that I AM."  He is the great I AM.  The Lord instructed us in His Word:

Let the weak say I am strong. 
Let the poor say I am rich.

Look at that instruction / statement closely:

Say I AM strong!
Say I AM rich!

We are saying His Name.  We are saying His characteristics.  We are also saying this truth and applying it to ourselves and our un-toward circumstances of being weak and poor. 

The saying and the believing result in the receiving. Say that again. Let that important truth sink deep into your thinking patterns. Allow that truth to regulate your speech patterns!

                                        SAYING -BELIEVING- RECEIVING.

As I SAY His word, BELIEVING His word, I will soon be RECEIVING His word's effects!!

Soon, my weakness is swallowed up in receiving His strength by calling His name. Soon, my poorness is obliterated by receiving His riches by calling on His name. His riches are the supply to stamp out my lack.  "My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches..." 

When you are experiencing sickness, you say the truth of His report..."by His stripes I am healed."  By doing this, you are changing the circumstance and overcoming the "evil" of sickness with the "good" of healing.  You are "calling those things that be not as though they were".  You are calling on the name of the Lord (I AM healed) and you are being saved "sozo" which means- "rescued, delivered, safe, heal, protect, preserve, made whole."

Your mouth is given to you for a very important purpose.  The purpose is NOT to report on how you feel or what your circumstances look like.  That is walking by sight and emotion.  The purpose of your mouth is to say His report instead.  Your mouth saying the truth about His report by faith is bringing those very things into existence in your world. Those things you have need of already exist in glory (His Spirit realm)and you get to receive them (in the here and now earth realm)by believing and saying.

 Many believers believe those things exist, but they say with their mouth only what they see.
Walking by faith means we believe what we do not see AND we say what He says even though we do not yet see it!  But we will see it come into manifestation in our world by believing and saying.  When you believe in your heart and speak - "you shall have whatsoever you say." 

Say, I AM strong.  Say, I AM rich. Say, I AM healed.  Say, I AM loved.

Utilize the power of His Name and the power of His word to get His will done in your life.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


All the promises of God in the Old Testament and New Testament are Yes! (you many have it) and Amen! (let it be so) in Christ Jesus.  Every time you see a promise of God, you may obtain it through Jesus Christ.  There is one particular promise that you will be ecstatic to receive.  He promises that we would be transformed and made to be more like Jesus by a singularly, easy process.

It doesn't cost any money, you don't have to go to college - it is yours for the receiving.

That doesn't mean it won't take effort on your part, but the effort you expend is not grievous and results in HUGE benefits to you.

"Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind."  Romans 12:2.  Renewing means bringing in a fresh supply of truth.  Your "mind" includes your thoughts, your thinking processes and the resulting words of your mouth.  The transformation is you becoming who you are meant to be.

Did you know the word for "transformed" (the process that happens to you) is the EXACT same word used in Matt. 17:2 and Mark 9:2 "transfigured" where Christ was transfigured?  Peter, James and John got to see Jesus as He truly is.  Light. Glory shining from His earthen vessel.  They heard His gracious words and saw the authority He carried.  Even being above Moses/Law and Elijah/Prophets.  The three disciples also heard Father say, "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased, hear you Him."

In the same way, when you are transformed, people will see the likeness of Christ in you.  They will hear your grace-filled words.  YOU will sense the love Father has for you and how well pleasing this transformation of you is in His sight.  The humans and the kingdom of darkness will see the results of you using the authority given to you by Christ Himself.  Christ says to us in Luke 10:19, "Behold I give to you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm you."  And in Luke 10:17 and again in Luke 10:20, Jesus tells us "the spirits/devils are subject to us in His name".

Father God desires that all of His children with their various personalities (individual wiring) will have this in common...the character of Christ Himself.  The love He has for God and humans.   

In the very same way Christ was transfigured, you are transformed.

You become all the things you've desired in your heart to be.

The next installment will be the tutorial on how this transforming / transfiguring can occur in your very own life!