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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Remote Control

You know how you have a remote control that gives you control over what you're seeing and hearing from your TV?  Well, God has given you a remote control that regulates what you hear and see in life...the stream that is coming into your life.  Just like muting an annoying, unwanted commercial.

God showed me the mute button that He has provided to silence the barrage of yuck, fear, doubt and unbelief that come from the kingdom of darkness.  Our mute button that silences these things is PRAISE and GIVING THANKS.  This silences / mutes our enemy's taunts and torments.

Praise and thanksgiving cut through - slices through - all the enemy's arguments and defeats his best-laid plans.  Giving God praise IS our mouths saying what He is and what He has done.  For example, God is love.  God is slow to anger.  God overflows with mercy.  His compassions NEVER fail.  He is the God that is with us, for us and not against us.  He loves us!  He forgives us.  He is our rescuer.  He saves, heals, gives wisdom, takes away our sins and gives us His life, wipes away tears and comforts us.

These are all good things about our God that we need to say with our mouth to our enemy who desires us to feel abandoned, alone, helpless and without hope in the world.  Remember Satan is The Liar and Jesus is The Truth.  Saying the truth with your mouth defeats the liar.

Giving thanks and being grateful is your way to silence that selfish spirit that tries to ruin your life.  The sweetness of being grateful and giving thanks to God, counteracts the sour / bitter water of selfishness and pride!  Your mouth must say out loud, words of truth and faith.  Faith is giving thanks for something you have not seen with your eyes.

Giving God thanks and thanking the humans is how you wrestle against and overcome those principalities, powers and rulers of darkness.  You know you need to use the remote control when you feel your peace threatened or it has altogether vanished.

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