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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Faith v.s. Circumstance

In everything give thanks...when our enemy drops a circumstance in front of us and says,"What are you going to do about it?!?!?".  Of course, his words are spoken in a taunting, teasing, condemning and accusing way.

Perhaps the circumstance is presented in such a way as to try and scare you off of The Triumph.  Perhaps it is an attempt to try and "reason" you out of The Victory.  Maybe it is the umpteenth try at wearying you or dis-couraging you (trying to diminish your courage supply from Christ).

But no matter how or why or in what way he bring the fight, remember - it is a fight of faith!  So, pick up your first Smooth Stone and begin The Triumph!  Begin The Victory parade with giving thanks.  Thanking God is your first steps to Triumph.  The Lord ALWAYS leads you in His triumph.  Thanks be to God who always leads us in His triumph. 1 Cor 15:57. 

Therefore, thanking Him is beginning our walk of overcoming.  Begin immediately to gain advantage over your enemy and the circumstance he brought.  You enemy means it for defeat and mocking you and your God; but your Savior will turn it into...
stepping stones of Triumph
"treading on serpent" stone of Victory
"trampling on scorpion" stones

These cause you to experience the "more than conquering" power to overcome evil!  Fling those Thank Stones with the sling of your own mouth saying The Victory Truth.

Victory Truths:
I AM more than a conqueror
I AM an overcomer
I AM strong in the Lord
I AM the righteousness of God in Christ
I AM the victor, not the victim

These sayings are true regardless of the circumstances because of Christ's finished, complete work on Calvary!  Praise the Lord!

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