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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Fear is power- STOP it FAST!

Fear = power

Power for your enemy - one of his most commonly used tactics. Accepted as normal in our society. Treated commonly by the medical community. Experienced at one time or another by every person alive. Used to spur people to action or hold them back so they take no action at all - basically cause them to do the opposite of what they want to do.

Fear empowers the enemy in your life.  Fear is the fuel the enemy needs to gain power in your life. 

The enemy uses fear to try to gain power over us. He supplies the thoughts that take us from 0 to 60 in a blink. All of a sudden, we are acting on a thought process supplied by our enemy in order to get his will carried out in our lives.

How do we STOP this?!?

The Scriptures tell us not to be ignorant of the enemy's devices. [2 Cor 2:11] Congratulations! Now you are not ignorant of this device of the enemy.

Now what?

You can't go somewhere you haven't already been in your mind - in your thoughts. Nip the device of the enemy in the bud. Stop it at zero before it goes to sixty.


Best example to follow is Jesus - it's unanimous - He knows better than anyone else. The WORD.

Yes, we've all heard that before. The enemy tempted Jesus and He used the WORD against the enemy. The enemy was speaking to the Lord and painting pictures for Him of what could be. The enemy was trying to bait Jesus into action. The enemy knew if he could get Christ to obey him, he would have gained control, gained authority in His life. The enemy wants to do the same to you and me.

Stay with me...

Here's how the rubber meets the road. For example, if you have children, the enemy will flash pictures or thoughts of bad thing happening to them or sickness or some ill befalling them. You turn your mind to the WORD and focus your thoughts on this truth, "I and the children whom the Lord has given to me are for signs and wonders (not for desolation which was rampant around the writer)." [Isa. 8:18]

Chest pain? Enemy flashes that and the thought that something is wrong with your ticker. Swing your thoughts from his bait over to this one in the WORD, "God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." [Ps. 73:26]

Unsure of what to do and afraid of making the wrong choice? Hold fast to these truths in the WORD, "The step of a good man (remember you are righteous because of Christ, not your works) are ordered by the Lord and He delights in his way." [Ps. 37:23] along with thanking God for giving you wisdom and remember "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. [James 1:5]

You get the picture.  There is something in the WORD for anything the enemy would throw your way. The moment you focus on the WORD, you've made a choice in Who you are going to obey. Almost instantaneously, the enemy will try to swing you back onto his track. Put your thoughts back to the WORD. Begin and keep thanking God, praising Him - it causes you to remember what He has done on your behalf. You are filling yourself - your mind with the good that will PUSH OUT the bad.

The battle rages in between your two ears. The enemy cannot make you do anything apart from your consent and cooperation (either knowingly or unknowingly). So he has to use thoughts against you and make them look factual, believable and relatively reasonable so you will act on them. 

God has provided a way of escape for you at every turn - a way out from under the oppression of the enemy. The WORD says HE leads us in the triumph. [2 Cor 2:14]

Anytime you sense fear, remind yourself that you have the upper hand because of the finished work of Jesus Christ on YOUR behalf. Know the source of that fear has been defeated by your Savior  [Col. 2:15] and you can rule over fear instead of it ruling you. You can say,

"Thank you Jesus, I'M FREE!!!"

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Offense = unbelief = no power

Offense.  It's only mentioned 13 times in the Scriptures with 11 of them in the New Testament.

Cutting to it - Jesus said, "Blessed is the one who doesn't take offense at me." [Matt 11:6] We have only one account in the Scriptures where it is recorded that Jesus acknowledged the offense of a group of people.

""Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? Are not His sisters here with us?" And they took offense at Him."[Mark 6:3]

What did their offense immediately lead to?


What was the result?

"He could do no miracle (lit. work of power) there except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them." [Mark 6:5]

Bottom line - don't take the bait of the enemy via offense and render useless the power of God available towards you.

Offense leads to unbelief.

"All things are possible to those who believe." [Mark 9:23]

When you choose to not take an offense or lay it down, you are choosing to believe God.

"It is his (a person's) glory to overlook an offense" [Prov 19:11] It is to your credit to make the decision to overlook an offense.

When you hold an offense you are not receiving the grace that has been offered to you by Jesus and you are most certainly not extending grace. It doesn't mean the offense didn't hurt. It DOES mean you take the grace of God understanding both your sins and the sins of the offender has been forgiven. You give over the offense to Jesus. Every time the enemy hits the replay button and that scene flashes in your mind, extinguish the fiery dart of the enemy by saying, "I forgive from my heart ALL who have offended me."

When the enemy ceases to get mileage out of that tactic and it accomplishes the opposite result, he'll lay off that device. Turn the trap on the enemy. Believe God by putting down the offense. Let the power of His finished work flow FREELY in your life by not allowing offense to stop the flow. You are the ONLY ONE who can make that choice.

-Guest blog by Arin Rentz

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Take no thought...ok

I'm writing while the kids are napping so the words will be short and to the point - go with me OK?!?

We've been studying where Jesus instructed us to take no thought. He said to take no thought for your life (soul in the actual translation), what you eat or drink, for your body, for what you wear, for tomorrow and for how or what you will speak.

The word "thought" drills down in the Greek with this string:

thought - to be anxious, troubled with cares
             - care, anxiety through the idea of distraction
             - to divide, be split into factions

The enemy provides anxious thoughts that would distract us, causing us to be split into factions. Peace means to be set at one again and evil means to be scattered, dispersed in order to ruin.

Jesus tells us in this passage to take no thought, but to seek first His kingdom. The original Greek for kingdom notes that it is not to be confused with an actual kingdom, but rather the royal authority of Jesus as the triumphant Messiah (the finished work of Christ and the authority it won for us). So seeking first His kingdom is seeking first - putting first in our mind the finished work of Jesus Christ.

Keep trekking with me!

Matt 6:25 notes "For this reason, take no thought..." For what reason? We need to look back before we go forward. Looking at verse 24, Jesus notes you cannot serve two masters.

Serve - to be a slave, to yield obedience

To whomever you yield your members, his slaves you become - to whomever you obey. [Rom 6:16]

So when we take the breakdown of Matt 6:24-28 it reads like this in the ARV (Arin Rentz Version):

Jesus says, "Arin, you can't yield your obedience to me and the enemy. So, take no thought, don't be split into factions through distractions via anxiety in your soul (the seat of your feelings, desires, affections) over the things you need. Continually seek (set your mind to) as the FIRST thing, the Royal Power (authority) of Jesus as the Triumphant Messiah and the fact that you are the righteousness of God in Christ.  When you make this choice, the things you need will be provided, added (to join your company, to be numbered as one of your companions) to you."

When the enemy pops up thoughts of lack, stress, upset - put Christ's finished work at the front of your mind.  Remember He finished the work of triumphing over the kingdom of darkness so you could rest in His work.

-Guest blog by Arin Rentz

Faith not working?

Does it ever seem to you that sometimes your faith to believe for what you need is not working or is dead? You know faith works, but you seem to come up lacking. If you are endeavoring to believe God for healing or any other manifestation of the good provisions of God (wisdom, prospering, peace) you know that faith is essential. Faith is given to us by the Holy Spirit of Christ. It is very powerful. Faith works miracles. Faith works.

But there is a aspect of faith working that we often overlook and therefore do not activate. Two things we know:

1. Faith without works is dead (lifeless)
2. Faith works by love

The "works" that activate faith are these:

1. Forgiving, forgiving, forgiving

Forgiving is a work of faith that SHOWS you believe the complete work of Calvary. You believe that Christ, the Savior of all mankind, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world has truly paid in full for every sin done by you or done to you. For that reason, you can accept the grace of being forever and completely forgiven AND you can give the grace of forgiveness to others (especially those who have offended you, transgressed against you or even despitefully abused you).

The despiteful abuse you've suffered and the process you've gone through to get rid of it brings us to the next truth that will set us free and the next "work" faith...

2. Pray FOR those who despitefully abuse you

It is hard to pray for an abuser.  We can pray about them and tell God about all the bad they've done and how we feel about it, but that is only the FIRST step of getting out from under that burden baggage. Often, after we have stirred ourselves up by remembering and reporting on the offenses, we feel hatred and not faith. Sometimes we even pray against that person. We want God to give them a taste of their own medicine or some other curse. Those kind of prayers do not work out the way we think they should - they actually work against us!


The principal of God that rules in this scenario is this:

"Give and it shall be given to you"[Luke 6:38]

What is the "it" referenced above?

"It" is whatever you yourself has given. If you have given the abuser curses, hatred and fear - that is what will show up on your doorstep. Better to pray for them rather than against them because the "measure you mete (give out to others), shall be measured back to you".[Mark 4:24] Also, "whatever you sow, you reap". [Gal 6:7] Plus, the Golden Rule is "do unto others what you would have done to you." That is why you are instructed to pray FOR those who despitefully abuse you. This truth sets you free from oppression and bitterness, fear and other snares of the enemy. When you obey Christ's instruction to pray for and to bless and curse not, you are utilizing

The Way of Escape...the Way of Triumph

that God provides in every trial. Your enemy desires to oppress you, depress you, rule over you, harass you, incapacitate you so you won't use the power and authority you have been given over all the power of the enemy [Luke 10:19]. Conversely, your Savior desires you to believe Him, obey His Spirit's prompting, value and do His Word (which is to pray for).

He said to to pray for one another so that you may be healed.

How much more light do you need? He is shining the light on your situation so you can take the faith He has given you by these simple works of love and put them in to practice to overcome the evil of that despiteful abuse with the good of forgiving, praying for and blessing.

These are our weapons of warfare that defeat the kingdom of darkness who desires us to be imprisoned by that despiteful abuse or transgression or offense. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood. The human is not the culprit or the problem. The enemy BEHIND the actions or the words are the culprit. Defeat the enemy by forgiving the offender. Defeat darkness by praying for. Defeat Satan by blessing and cursing not.

All of these actions are putting into practice the good word of God to overcome the evil works of the devil.

So how do you pray for?

First pray for them to come out from under the oppression and vexation of the enemy so they no longer further the enemy's work via offense and abuse.  Pray Romans 5:17 over them because when the offender receives God's grace and gift of righteousness, they reign in life by the One, Christ Jesus rather than the evil reigning over them. Pray Eph 3:16-20 so the eyes of their understanding may be enlightened so they can receive God's love. Remember the second half of Luke 6:38 that what you give comes back to you pressed down, shaken together and running over.  What you are praying for them, you are receiving multiplied back to you so pray for the things you hope will show up on your doorstep.

All of these works of faith remove the impediments to the blessings of God flowing to you and being received by you by faith.