Fear = power
Power for your enemy - one of his most commonly used tactics. Accepted as normal in our society. Treated commonly by the medical community. Experienced at one time or another by every person alive. Used to spur people to action or hold them back so they take no action at all - basically cause them to do the opposite of what they want to do.
Fear empowers the enemy in your life. Fear is the fuel the enemy needs to gain power in your life.
The enemy uses fear to try to gain power over us. He supplies the thoughts that take us from 0 to 60 in a blink. All of a sudden, we are acting on a thought process supplied by our enemy in order to get his will carried out in our lives.
How do we STOP this?!?
The Scriptures tell us not to be ignorant of the enemy's devices. [2 Cor 2:11] Congratulations! Now you are not ignorant of this device of the enemy.
Now what?
You can't go somewhere you haven't already been in your mind - in your thoughts. Nip the device of the enemy in the bud. Stop it at zero before it goes to sixty.
Best example to follow is Jesus - it's unanimous - He knows better than anyone else. The WORD.
Yes, we've all heard that before. The enemy tempted Jesus and He used the WORD against the enemy. The enemy was speaking to the Lord and painting pictures for Him of what could be. The enemy was trying to bait Jesus into action. The enemy knew if he could get Christ to obey him, he would have gained control, gained authority in His life. The enemy wants to do the same to you and me.
Stay with me...
Here's how the rubber meets the road. For example, if you have children, the enemy will flash pictures or thoughts of bad thing happening to them or sickness or some ill befalling them. You turn your mind to the WORD and focus your thoughts on this truth, "I and the children whom the Lord has given to me are for signs and wonders (not for desolation which was rampant around the writer)." [Isa. 8:18]
Chest pain? Enemy flashes that and the thought that something is wrong with your ticker. Swing your thoughts from his bait over to this one in the WORD, "God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." [Ps. 73:26]
Unsure of what to do and afraid of making the wrong choice? Hold fast to these truths in the WORD, "The step of a good man (remember you are righteous because of Christ, not your works) are ordered by the Lord and He delights in his way." [Ps. 37:23] along with thanking God for giving you wisdom and remember "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. [James 1:5]
You get the picture. There is something in the WORD for anything the enemy would throw your way. The moment you focus on the WORD, you've made a choice in Who you are going to obey. Almost instantaneously, the enemy will try to swing you back onto his track. Put your thoughts back to the WORD. Begin and keep thanking God, praising Him - it causes you to remember what He has done on your behalf. You are filling yourself - your mind with the good that will PUSH OUT the bad.
The battle rages in between your two ears. The enemy cannot make you do anything apart from your consent and cooperation (either knowingly or unknowingly). So he has to use thoughts against you and make them look factual, believable and relatively reasonable so you will act on them.
God has provided a way of escape for you at every turn - a way out from under the oppression of the enemy. The WORD says HE leads us in the triumph. [2 Cor 2:14]
Anytime you sense fear, remind yourself that you have the upper hand because of the finished work of Jesus Christ on YOUR behalf. Know the source of that fear has been defeated by your Savior [Col. 2:15] and you can rule over fear instead of it ruling you. You can say,
"Thank you Jesus, I'M FREE!!!"
Awesome insights...