If you've been following this blog for any length of time you have read about the five smooth stones we use to slay ANY giant in our land. We use the sling of our mouth to give thanksgiving, praise, pray in the Spirit and it is also how we show we have a merry heart and love. If you've missed the blogs explaining the five smooth stones just hop over in the archives to 2011 (March through November).
We throw stones via the words of our mouth and we choose if they are good or bad. We can choose the five smooth stones that slay giants OR we can choose ones supplied by our enemy used against those around us (and maybe even against ourselves).
How does this happen?
The enemy is limited in what he can do. We see this in Eden when he suggested thoughts to Eve and she took them as her own, acted on them and got the results of that obedience. The enemy didn't show up as a tiger and force her into eating the fruit. No, by the words of his mouth in her ear he worked the angle of Eve's thoughts.
The enemy tries the same thing with us. The battlefield is in our minds so he strategically suggests thoughts at just the right time to try and get us to act according to his desires. According to what he wants to be carried out in our lives.
It can be something as small as discontent or second-guessing or worry. Something you might have thought for years was YOU, but if you step back and look at it - that thought trail ALWAYS leads you somewhere you don't want to go. (Flashing lights and dinging sounds) - that is your enemy. He's gotten you to take those thoughts as your own and act on them. Thankfully the Holy Spirit is our Helper who can teach us how to overcome - how to get out of the rut of those thoughts and form new, good habits.
Back to the stones - the enemy provides thoughts and you give them life via your words / actions. For example: the enemy supplies thoughts of fear. You're already tired, hungry, angry, lonely, stressed or experiencing sorrow (HALTS, another blog). So he's targeting you at an opportune time (sounds a lot like when he targeted Jesus). He slides in a rapid succession of fearful images or thoughts and before you know it, you feel anxious and upset. It's like you're now looking at the situation through a different lens. You begin talking about it - acting on the fear. Where the enemy had no ground before, now he is starting to gain some because you are believing him - taking into account his report.
You can turn this thing back on your enemy in a New York minute! The moment you recognize what's going on, you change your mind. You recognize what the enemy has supplied and turn your mind to the Truth. Rubber to the road: fear thoughts come up, you feel anxious, it persists for a bit and then...you recognize it. You grin because you realize it's not you - it's your enemy. Thank the Holy Spirit for helping you overcome. Sing a line to your favorite praise song or say, "Thank you Jesus I'm free!". It may take a minute for your feelings to change, but keep with it. Be brave, stand strong 5 minutes longer (thank you Lisa Bevere for that one). See yourself differently than what the enemy has suggested via thoughts. Let your God-given imagination be used for your good instead of allowing the enemy to use it against you.
Remember, it actually is darkest before the dawn. The enemy tries to get you to use the words of your mouth for destruction right before the change you've been praying for breaks on the scene. You ARE free, God has already won - the enemy would like you to think and act otherwise because it ONLY benefits him.
When the enemy supplies those thoughts that he wants to turn into words to sling with your mouth, do the opposite INSTEAD. When he brings those thoughts, sling the powerful, giant-slaying stones of thanksgiving, praise, praying in the Spirit, having a merry heart and loving.
Throw those stones - wide open spaces await!
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